
extinct lungfish
Plott hound
a brindle-coated American hound used in hunting bears and wild boars
European breed of small dog resembling a terrier with dark wiry hair and a tufted muzzle
any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth
Numenius borealis
New World curlew that breeds in northern North America
ark shell
marine bivalve mollusk having a heavy toothed shell with a deep boat-like inner surface
Raja radiata
cold-water bottom fish with spines on the back; to 40 inches
Rupicapra rupicapra
hoofed mammal of mountains of Eurasia having upright horns with backward-hooked tips
young eel
bird with strong claws and a stiff tail adapted for climbing and a hard chisel-like bill for boring into wood for insects
Parascalops breweri
mole of eastern North America
fish-eating bird of warm inland waters having a long flexible neck and slender sharp-pointed bill
Equus zebra zebra
narrow-striped nearly extinct zebra of southern Africa
Salpinctes obsoletus
wren inhabiting badlands and mesa country of western United States and Mexico
mallee hen
adult female mallee fowl
any of various small grey-and-black songbirds of North America
Elaphe guttata
large harmless snake of southeastern United States; often on farms
Felis ocreata
widely distributed wildcat of Africa and Asia Minor
deep-sea fish with a large head and body and long tapering tail
arboreal nocturnal mammal of southeast Asia and the Philippines resembling a lemur and having a fold of skin on each side from neck to tail that is used for long gliding leaps
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