Nouns denoting body parts

islands of Langerhans
cell clusters in the pancreas that form the endocrine part of that organ; secrete insulin and other hormones
vena cervicalis profunda
a vein that accompanies an artery of the same name
synovial joint
a joint so articulated as to move freely
a sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue separating or binding together muscles and organs etc
the middle of the 3 meninges
greater omentum
part of the peritoneum attached to the stomach and to the colon and covering the intestines
the general region between the anus and the genital organs
blood vessel
a vessel in which blood circulates
hair follicle
a small tubular cavity containing the root of a hair; small muscles and sebaceous glands are associated with them
plexus hypogastricus
a plexus of nerves serving the pelvic viscera
vena cephalica accessoria
a vein that passes along the radial edge of the forearm and joins the cephalic vein near the elbow
a black-tipped plug clogging a pore of the skin
nerve end
the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse
a transparent lubricating mucous membrane that covers the eyeball and the under surface of the eyelid
somatic cell
any of the cells of a plant or animal except the reproductive cells; a cell that does not participate in the production of gametes
imperforate anus
a congenital defect of the anus; there is partial or complete obstruction of the anal opening
cavity formed by the pharynx at the back of the mouth
wasp waist
a very slender waist
a series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals
fissure of Sylvius
the deepest and most prominent of the cortical fissures; separates the frontal lobes and temporal lobes in both hemispheres
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