
  1. Something that is a counterfeit;
    Not what it seems to be (synset 103323383)
  2. A person who makes deceitful pretenses (synset 110221154)
  3. (football) a deceptive move made by a football player (synset 100173038)
  1. Fraudulent;
    Having a misleading appearance (synset 301121219)
  2. Not genuine or real;
    Being an imitation of the genuine article (synset 301577631)
    "it isn't fake anything; it's real synthetic fur"; "faux pearls"; "false teeth"; "decorated with imitation palm leaves"; "a purse of simulated alligator hide"
  1. Make a copy of with the intent to deceive (synset 201657814)
    "he faked the signature"; "they counterfeited dollar bills"; "She forged a Green Card"
  2. Tamper, with the purpose of deception (synset 202583006)
    "Fudge the figures"; "cook the books"; "falsify the data"
  3. Speak insincerely or without regard for facts or truths (synset 200841205)
    "The politician was not well prepared for the debate and faked it"

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